Marketing / Promotional Email 1

Subject Line – Tim, do you know which European city has underrated beaches?


Preview text – It’s 2024’s best place for a summer holiday.


Hi Tim,


If you’ve not booked your beach holiday for this summer yet and you’re still mulling over a destination then we have an avant-garde suggestion that could be perfect.


Instead of going to Majorca, Corfu, or Tenerife like everyone else, why not try Copenhagen?


Copenhagen is renowned for its culture and architecture. There are beautiful galleries, palaces and castles throughout the city. There’s also a world famous zoo and an incredible science centre for the kids.




What’s often criminally overlooked when it comes to Copenhagen are the city’s extraordinary beaches.


The Danish capital is filled with beautiful beaches! Our top pick is Amager Beach. Though, Svanemølle Beach and Bellevue Beach are also close by and well worth a visit.


If you want to learn a little more about the fantastic places within Copenhagen feel free to click on the link below.







PS if you already have your holiday plans figured out, I hope you have a great time. We just thought you may like to hear about Copenhagen.