
If you've seen something that appeals to you, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Hey there! We’re here to assist you wherever you need it. Whether you’re stuck on marketing strategies or simply need some advice, we’ve got your back. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us by filling out the form below or emailing To save you some time, we’ve also included a helpful FAQ section below. We look forward to hearing from you!


How well do you know my industry?


If your industry is travel and tourism, then our service has you covered. With over a decade of experience in writing and studying the ins and outs of this industry, we know what appeals to the eye and how to promote a product.


My industry isn’t travel and tourism, but I’m interested in what you offer, do you provide copywriting work for other industries?


While travel and tourism is our primary area of expertise, we have worked for the sports and entertainment industries as well. So, if your company is in either of those industries, we would be more than happy to discuss your needs and see if we’re the right fit.


What do you offer?


We offer a range of copywriting services, including sales, marketing, promotional, transactional, confirmational, and drip campaigns. We also specialise in blog posts, newsletters, and automated messages. Need samples? Check out our portfolio page.


How much do you charge? 


Let’s talk about your needs first, then we can offer you a tailored quote that fits your budget. Because we understand that the answer isn’t straightforward and varies greatly depending on the project requirements.


How long does it take you to finish a project?


We work efficiently without sacrificing quality. Our focus is always on creating the best possible outcome. We take pride in our meticulous research and careful wording to ensure the best results possible. If the deadline is reasonable and workload manageable, we can deliver within your timeframe.


What if we don’t like the work you send us?


Although it doesn’t happen frequently, we understand that sometimes, our clients may desire a different outcome. In such cases, rest assured that we are always ready to make the necessary changes to ensure your ultimate satisfaction. We value every opportunity we have to deliver great work, and we are confident that our team can adapt to any style and preference you may have. Just let us know what you need, and we’ll get it done!